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 Guilty Gear Isuka software
last update, February 22, 2025. 


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Guilty Gear Isuka software

Guilty Gear Isuka software
x 1 $99.00 USD
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   About Guilty Gear Isuka software   


Guilty Gear Isuka software brings a new level competition with the introduction of 2 on 2 fighting. Instead of tag team action, all 4 players are on the screen at the same time fighting. Players uncomfortable with the new format can still fight 1 on 1.

To deal with the mayhem of 4 players on the screen at once, Guilty Gear Isuka will sport a new dual plane system. Which allows players to fight on two planes/lines, one on the foreground and one on the background. You can switch between the two planes at any time, it is possible to thrust opponents to the other plane.

Also due to the mayhem factor, the characters will not automatically change his/her facing direction, you need to this change manually.

   Guilty Gear Isuka software Product Details   


  • software only

   Guilty Gear Isuka software Other Details   


Product ID: 006608
Item Type: Atomiswave System
Manufacturer: Sammy
Country: Hong Kong
Year Released: 2003

   Guilty Gear Isuka software Images   


Guilty Gear Isuka software -title
Guilty Gear Isuka software -title
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 1
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 1
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 2
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 2
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 3
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 3
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 4
Guilty Gear Isuka software -game play 4
  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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