VR Tank for 6 players,the virtual reality dynamic experience platform consists of VR glasses, dynamic special effects seats, 9D films and operation platform. Let the audience from the auditory, visual, tactile and other aspects to achieve a sense of reality, as in the film scene, people immersive, full of fun.
VR Tank for 6 players Product
Size: L400*W220*H170cm
Power: 5.0KW
Voage: 220V
Weight: 700kg
VR Tank for 6 players Other
Product ID:
Item Type:
Virtual Reality Arcade VR
Year Released:
VR Tank for 6 players Images
VR Tank for 6 players - right view
VR Tank for 6 players - left view
VR Tank for 6 players - play view
Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)