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 Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine
last update, March 25, 2025. 


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Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine

Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine
x 1 $4400.00 USD
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   About Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine   


Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine is a light-gun shooting game machine, player Fast action target shooting with redemption ticket payout. Aim to shoot the lit-up bottles using the available bullets inside the time limit for each stage, and use the red-laser sight when you shoot to gauge your shooting accuracy. It is a game of skill that rewards speed and accuracy, and the special bonus rounds give players the opportunity to win even more tickets. Play for tickets or high-score bragging rights!

Reach the target score to progress to the next stage. Finish all 8 stages to win the big bonus. The game is over if you run out of time or bullets. Players can ‘buy-in’ to continue game within 10 seconds.

Single player cabinet, link up to 4 units via optional Multi-Player Linking Header for competitive play to win a share of your opponents tickets and the bonus. Compact cabinet with eye catching design. Unique mechanical targets, metal gun design with laser sight. Fun for all ages!

   Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine Product Details   


  • A true test of accurate and skillful shooting
  • Single-player set up, control the action using the realistic force feedback handgun
  • Four moving targets that “break" and reset themselves
  • 8 levels of play with bonus rounds, finish the final round to win the Ticket or Point Bonus
  • Play for fun (Amusement Mode) or for Tickets (Ticket play is set to 'ON’ by default.)
  • Single player cabinet, support link up to 4 units for competitive play
  • LED counters show: Bonus (or Top Score); Bullets left; Time left; Current score & Target Score
  • Compact & sharp looking cabinet, great for banking units together!
  • LED lighting to make the cabinet stand out
  • Biohazard themed artwork and look

   Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine Other Details   


Product ID: 011616
Item Type: Shooting Games
Country: China (ex factory)

   Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine Images   


Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine single cabinet
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine single cabinet
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine link-up cabinets
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine link-up cabinets
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine control panel
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine control panel
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine gun
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine gun
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine bottles
Fast Gunman Shooting Arcade Machine bottles
  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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