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 Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine
last update, March 28, 2025. 


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Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine

Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine
x 1 $14495.00 USD
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   About Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine   


Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine is a ball catching game. Based on Iconic UK land Mark (The Big Ben), this highly interactive game requires players to use their skills to win the jackpot (max of 500 tickets).

It has two exciting fast-paced Bagatelle style games we for playing positions each can you beat Ben has two red and two blue playing positions in the red game.The objective for the player is to catch 6l red balls. These will drop down play field in almost a share of white balls if the player catches all 6 red balls within the game time they will win.The maximum ticket price of 500 tickets during the game the side columns of big ben will lie type red each time a red ball is caught which shows the the player their progress and how close they are to the 500 tickets

Players must use the wheel to move the pipes while trying to catch the balls that falls from the tower. If the player can successfully catch all 6 balls, they'll win the jackpot.

   Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine Product Details   


  • Length: 1700mm
  • Width: 1700mm
  • Height: 2600mm/2780mm
  • Weight: 550kg
  • 4 player

   Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine Other Details   


Product ID: 010710
Item Type: Redemption Machines
Country: Great Britain (UK)

   Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine Images   


Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine - playfield
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine - playfield
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine - console
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine - console
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine - play view
Can You Beat Ben 4 Player Ticket Redemption Machine - play view
  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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