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 UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine
last update, February 22, 2025. 


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UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine

UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine
x 1 $3950.00 USD
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   About UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine   


UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine is a high degree of freedom prize machine with large-scale dual crane. Always UFO mechanical stop is part of the smart eyes towards the players. It is easy to push the button right or left to choose the prize what you want.

Also new to UFO Catcher 8 is the "UFO Key", which is with easy configuration and one-touch lane to use the service without having to open the door even in the business "service credit" and easily add!

   UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine Product Details   


  • 110V

   UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine Other Details   


Product ID: 008232
Item Type: Prize Machines
Manufacturer: Sega
Country: Japan
Year Released: 2010

   UFO Catcher 8 Crane Machine Images   


UFO Catcher 8 22800
UFO Catcher 8 22800
UFO Catcher 8 22801
UFO Catcher 8 22801
UFO Catcher 8 22802
UFO Catcher 8 22802
UFO Catcher 8 22803
UFO Catcher 8 22803
  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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