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 DrumMania XG
last update, March 06, 2025. 


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DrumMania XG

DrumMania XG

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   About DrumMania XG   


DrumMania XG is a music video game machine, where colored notes travel down the screen which correspond with color coded parts of an electronic drum set. The player must hit the drum parts when the notes reach the bottom of the screen in order to fill in missing drum parts from a song.

DrumMania XG is played using a controller designed to imitate a drum set. Seven pads are arrayed from left to right for the hi-hat, snare drum, high tom, low tom, floor tom, left and right cymbals. There is also two foot pedals for the bass drum or ride cymbal near the snare and the left cymbal. During play, the player hits the pads and steps on the pedals.

   DrumMania XG Product Details   



  • Voltage: AC110V/220V
How To Play:

  • To play the correct note, the player must hit one or two of these pads and/or step the pedals when the note bars reach the yellow line.
  • The player's accuracy is judged for each note played, and while the individual note judgments have changed throughout the series, the current system uses Perfect, Great, Good, Poor, and Miss to evaluate performance of each note. Ratings of Poor or Miss will deplete the player's "Excite Gauge", while accurate play will replenish it.
  • If the Excite Gauge is emptied completely, the game ends
  • At the completion of a song, players are given a letter rank for their performance which can range anywhere from E to A, as well as S and SS depending on how well the song was played, and how the particular release of the game being played computes ranks.

   DrumMania XG Other Details   


Product ID: 008571
Item Type: Music-Dance Machines
Manufacturer: Konami
Country: China
Year Released: 2010

   DrumMania XG Images   


DrumMania XG 24418
DrumMania XG 24418
DrumMania XG 24419
DrumMania XG 24419
DrumMania XG 24424
DrumMania XG 24424
DrumMania XG 24420
DrumMania XG 24420
  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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