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 Battle Gear 3 (Twin)
last update, February 04, 2025. 


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Battle Gear 3 (Twin)

Battle Gear 3 (Twin)

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   About Battle Gear 3 (Twin)   


Battle Gear 3 is a racing game. The player may choose a car from any of the 6 main Japan manufacturers. Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Mazda & Subaru.

Car are place in class categories D,C,B,A and S. The cars are real car models and players can view the specs of each car. Such as Dimensions, weight, engine, etc. The player can race there choosen car on any of the 6 courses offered by the game.

As with most of the latest major games Battle Gear 3 sporting a player access card system, but with a twist. Instead of using a card, this game uses a key pictured in the screenshots section. Each player's key is imprinted with an unique number, this allows the player's preferences and stats to be stored and retrieve no matter which arcade they play at. Taito's network system for this game is called "NESYS" or taito Net Entry SYStem. This system not only allows head to head competition in the same arcade but players from arcade across town or across the country can play head to head in real time.

   Battle Gear 3 (Twin) Product Details   


  • Voltage is 110V

   Battle Gear 3 (Twin) Other Details   


Product ID: 002684
Item Type: Driving-Riding Games
Manufacturer: Taito
Country: Japan
Year Released: 2002

   Battle Gear 3 (Twin) Images   


Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12706
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12706
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12707
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12707
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12708
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12708
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12709
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12709
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12710
Battle Gear 3 (Twin) 12710
  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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