The 6th installment of the Tekken series. Heihachi Mishima is dead, killed by a army of new robots (Jack-5's). This unknown force has siezed control of the Mishma Zaibatsu Corporation.
This version will adopted the popular player data card system. Which enables player to carry their game stats and preferences from machine to machine.
The data card allows players to create a more personalised warrior through the customisation system. Before the start of each game the player gets a limited time to shop for items and equip/accessorise their character with them. Items are brought via customisation points earned in battles.
Other benefits of the card system include name entry and ranking. Rankings are adopted from the Japanese martial arts ranking system. 10th Kyu is the lowest rising to 1st Kyu and then onto the Dan ranking system. Once the player passes the Kyu ranking system the only way to advance is by playing and beating other opponents who are of the same or higher ranking than the player.
Tekken 5 returns to a more freedom of movement battle, by doing away with the player switch move and the incline/uneven terrain of Tekken 4.
Namco has also made a new implemation of wall system. Where if player is hit against a wall they are stunned and open for more punishment.
The fighters gathered for the 5th King of Iron Fist Tournament are:
New Fighters:
Fei Wei
Asuka Kazama
Returning characters:
Julia Chang
Craig Marduk
Kazuya Mishima
Bryan Fury
Jin Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu
Christie Monteiro
Marshall Law
Paul Phoenix
Lee Chaolan
Lei Wulong
Steve Fox
Nina Williams
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers Product
full machine
twin card reader system
english version
110 volts
brand new factory machine
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers Other
Product ID:
Item Type:
Dedicated Machines
Year Released:
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers Images
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12691
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12455
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12456
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12457
Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12458
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Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12460
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Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12464
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Tekken 5 Arcade Machine with Card Readers 12684
Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)