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 Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version)
last update, March 29, 2025. 


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Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version)

Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version)
x 1 $1995.00 USD
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   About Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version)   


Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version) is an activate table top by skill test on pressing buttons on speed games redemption machine, similar as air hockey table, but instead by each side with three levels for 10 buttons design, with amazing colorful lighting round and over the buttons.

Players calculate lighting frequency over each buttons, the lighting go faster and faster and very exciting on game, players has to press as fast as they can on the lighten button to win the games. It is a PK type naughty beans that compares two players’ reaction speed.

Each player taps on buttons faster and faster to win more tickets.

This cabinet is with compact size table for two player gams, and unique for adjustable height design, comfortable on transport.

How to play:
- insert coin(s) and press start button
- press the lighted buttons to get the scores
- the more lighted buttons you press, the more scores you will get

   Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version) Product Details   


  • by tap on speed games
  • voltage:110V/220V
  • player: 1 ~ 2 players
  • fantastic sound and light, fashionable and compact appearance
  • illuminated push buttons effects
  • high quality coin selector and ticket dispenser installed

   Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version) Other Details   


Product ID: 009792
Item Type: Air Hockey
Country: China (ex factory)

   Beat Beans Redemption machine (button version) Images   


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  • Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)

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