Ez2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kits was described as "A stimulation of curiosity of the mania",with new interface and selecting mode; plus hidden songs, which is a more advanced version of the Ez2 DJ series.
Upgrade from any version EZ2DJ machine into the 5th Trax.
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit Images
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9106
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9107
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9108
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9109
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9110
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9111
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9112
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9113
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9114
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9115
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9116
EZ 2 DJ 5th Trax Platinum Upgrade Kit 9118
Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)