Sega Chihiro Arcade Mother Board for Ghost Squad Machine
Sega Chihiro Arcade Mother Board for Ghost Squad Machine
Sega Chihiro Arcade Mother Board for Ghost Squad Machine was produced by Sega in 2003. It is based upon the Xbox, using the same Pentium III CPU and NVIDIA graphics card. Unlike the Xbox however it uses GD-ROM media instead of DVDs, has more RAM and an earlier revision chipset which is used in the Xbox debugging unit (MCPX2). Because of the similar hardware, it is in theory relatively easy to port Chihiro games to the Xbox and PC. The GD-ROM board can be configured to store up to 1GB of data from the GD-ROM like with the Triforce.
Sega Chihiro Arcade Mother Board for Ghost Squad Machine Images
Sega Chihiro Arcade Mother Board for Ghost Squad Machine - angle view
Sega Chihiro Arcade Mother Board for Ghost Squad Machine - top view
Please Note: there is minimum order of $200USD (more info)