Motion Simulator In Clearance Sell!
26 Aug, 2014

Motion Simulator In Clearance Sell!
An arcade center owner has about 5 hottest Motion simulator for special sell, all machines are for clearance sell and very attractive price sell!
All the machines are in great condition and located at Thailand. These Motion Theaters machines are of different kinds, including:
- Vampire / Werewolf Haunted House with all its included equipment
* Set for haunted house
* Sound effects for attraction and other effects such as air cannons, bats, heads, pop ups, etc.
- Underwater Mirror Maze with all its included equipment
* Mirrors, facade, custom hexagon fish tank
* Decorations of roman ruins
* Water LED special effects and sound effects, lighting, etc.
- XD Theatre Equipment
* Seats (6)
* Server
* server and software
* surround sound system with 5.1 and amplifier
* 2 computer systems (main and backup)
* monarch 3D stereoscopic screen
* control keypad
Stereoscopic projection system:
* panasocnic PT-DW6300US Projector
* panasocnic ET-DLE150 zoom lens 1.3-2 ratio
* angle adapter screenstar 0.65x navitar
* dual pack repl. Lamps for PT-DW6300US
* Projector support
* circular polarizer
Replacement spare parts
* spare drive assembly AC10
* actuator motor AC6 short
* actuator control box A1
* actuator control box B1
* seatbelt kit with contact
* 3D polarised glasses
* 4D effects (fans+light & strobe effects)
- Custom pirate themed shooting gallery
* with 4 guns, 36 targets (Shooting gallery has the theme of the interior belly of a pirate ship)
* Token coin mechanisms and 500 tokens to sell shooting gallery games at sales counter
* Skull rock facade with pirate hideout and crooked ship's mast with a crow's nest and sail, and blasting mist air cannons
* Cue Area Theming (various props, wall coverings, and themes to make cue area feel like the belly of a large shipwreck. Includes sales counter, some seating for waiting customers as merited)
------Other equipment available for sale------
- XD Theater (Dark Ride)
* Seats (6)
* Double base seats (220V)
* Seat anchor kit:
* realistic simulation motion in-sync with game
* 2G of acceleration in the seats
* 400 motions per second
* Technology
* Dark Rode servers (2) and software (220V)
* Sound amplifier
* 2 computer systems (main and backup)
* multi computer systems architecture
* 1 special screen (3D) stereoview microperform
* control keypad
Interactive attraction 7Di Film
* movie license 1year
* realtime 3D engine
* independing shooting per player
* interactive scoring system
* shooting system with force feedback in the guns
Targeting system
* IR sensor kit (1)
* Dark ride advanced guns with one camera per gun (6)
* Computer system fo targeting and interactive shooting
* Camera Kit
* Camera for photos
* software
Replacement spare parts
* spare drive assembly AC10
* Actuator motor AC6 Long
* Actuator control box, syndrive 2 motion "K"
* Kine control for seat belt
* seatbelt kit with contact (3)
* power supply 12V-5V
* Dark ride advanced guns with one camera per gun
* 3D polarized glasses (60)
* Special effects (package of fans, light & strobe effects for 6
- XD Theatre Equipment
* Seats (6)
* Server
* server and software
* surround sound system with 5.1 and amplifier
* 2 computer systems (main and backup)
* monarch 3D stereoscopic screen 9'x16'
* control keypad
Stereoscopic projection system:
* panasonic PT-DW6300US Projector (2 units)
* panasocnic ET-DLE150 zoom lens 1.3-2 ratio (2 units)
* angle adapter screenstar 0.65x navitar (2 units)
* dual pack repl. Lamps for PT-DW6300US (1 unit)
* Projector support (1 unit)
* circular polarizer (2 units)
* Motorised curtain system with electric curtain kit
* 4D effects
* 1 strobe, holders, DMX cables, hardware
- Equipment for the Haunted House
* Including skull rock facades with pirates’ hideouts, crooked ship’s masts, blasting mist air cannons, etc.
- Max Flight Simulator with all its included equipment
* FS-VC Dual system
* transportation dolly
* Equipment options
* high definition 3D System Upgrade
* onboard camera & external sound package with extra monitor
* spare parts kit
All goods subject for prior sales, first come first serve!
Please contact our sales department for price and more information if interested to order